Chrome Disappeared From Mac

How to Download and Install Chrome for Mac. Every Mac comes with Apple's Safari web browser installed on it, and lots of people use it. Safari is far from the only browser you can use on a Mac, however. While the built-in option has benefits, you may want a different program, like Google Chrome. Here's how to put Google's browser on your Mac.

Today something weird happened with Google Chrome: all my Chrome extensions were gone. After trying several potential solutions I finally found one that resolved it.

  • Chrome Runs Slow. If your Chrome is running at almost stall speeds, then it might be high time to.
  • Luckily, there is a simple solution to a missing Chrome toolbar. Luckily, there is a simple solution to a missing Chrome toolbar. For Windows and Linux: Hold down the CTRL and Shift keys while pressing B, to make the bar reappear. For Mac: Hold down the Command and Shift keys while pressing B. The bookmark toolbar should now remain visible.

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Restart the browser

Chrome disappeared from mac computer

The first thing I tried was restarting the browser normally. It didn’t work.

Then I searched around the web and found some solutions. The Google Product Forums didn’t present any viable one. There was also a post on Reddit about this, but it lead me nowhere.

Check potentially corrupted extensions

I used to have Disqus installed on this website, so here is a solution that worked out for others:

In case it helps anyone, I finally noticed that a couple of my extensions were marked as “potentially corrupted” and I had a clickable option to “repair” them. Doing so got all of them to show back up in the chrome menu. I had to click on the vertical 3 dots -> More Tools -> Extensions. It was then just a matter of scrolling through my list of extensions and repairing all the corrupted ones. Hope that helps someone.

— Matthew Greenwood, Nov 2016

If this doesn’t apply, read on…

Verify Google Chrome sync

At some point, some “darrel” at Yahoo! Answers suggested the following:

I tried this but I couldn’t see any yellow box. And by checking Chrome Sync, there wasn’t anything noticeably wrong… apart from only showing three extensions (there should be more).

Reinstall extensions?

Going to the Chrome Store to reinstall all the extensions seemed to be another option… but then I found I couldn’t do this as well.

By trying to install one of the extensions, I got the following error:

“An error has occurred. This item is already being downloaded and added into Chrome”

So before I present the solution that worked for me, let me resume a bit the situation:

  • This only happened to one of my Chrome profiles.
  • ALL my extensions were gone in chrome://extensions.
  • Both Chrome Sync and the Chrome Store error seemed to indicate that [some?] extensions were installed, but for some reason the browser wasn’t showing and/or activating them.
  • I also tried restarting my Chrome user session (in chrome://settings), but it didn’t work.

The solution(s) that worked

The solution that worked for me back in 2016, disabling Enable Enhanced Bookmarks, is no longer possible, since that item is no longer a flag in Version 53.0.2785.143 m (and later versions) of Google Chrome.

A alternative that might work nowadays is to disable Enable Material Design extensions, also in /flags.

So try the same procedure with this one, and feel free to share whether it did the trick.

Enhanced Bookmarks (deprecated)

Back in 2016, modifying a now-deprecated flag item did work, thanks to user bones1618 in this post:

If by any chance you’re a user and this fixed the problem for you, give that person some high points!

There were other suggestions that seem to have worked for other users, but this is that which worked in my case.

First, open chrome://flags:

Then, find (Ctrl+F or Cmd+F)Enable Enhanced Bookmarks. Set that to Disabled.

A “Save” notification will appear in the bottom of the page (“Your changes will take effect the next time you relaunch Google Chrome”).

Just click Relaunch Now and your extensions should be back.

Extensions Toolbar Menu (latest)

As Diego commented below, the latest solution is to access chrome://flags as usual, and search for “Extensions Toolbar Menu”:

Cursor In Chrome Disappeared

Enable it, and hopefully it should work.