Cisco Anyconnect Webvpn

We have resisted the change for a long time, bit its time to finally move some of our customers over to the SSL VPN who were previously using the IPSec Remote Access VPN. Windows 10 does not support the IPSec client any more, Cisco have stopped developing it and its only saving grace is that Mac seem to have no problem with the built in VPN connector.

We are moving some clients to the ASAv which I will document the installation of another time, but the software version I am using is 9.6(1).

Cisco AnyConnect Linux. Brought to you by Information Technology. If you need assistance, please refer to the USPS IT Help Desk (1-800-USPS-HELP). Restricted Information. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This is a U.S. Government computer system and is intended for official and other authorized use only. Unauthorized access or use of this.

Introducing Cisco SSL AnyConnect VPN - WebVPN Cisco SSL AnyConnect VPN is a real trend these days – it allows remote users to access enterprise networks from anywhere on the Internet through an SSL VPN gateway using a web browser. In a WebVPN connection, the security appliance acts as a proxy between the end user web browser and target web servers. When a WebVPN user connects to an SSL-enabled web server, the security appliance establishes a secure connection and validates the server SSL certificate.


1. Most users will be standard, tunnel-all users
2. A few users will require local LAN access for IP printers etc. These will be kept to a minimum as they pose a security risk
3. The Anyconnect software should be deployed from the ASA.
4. The users will all be stored in the ASA local database.

Stage 1 – Get a 3rd party certificate

I have a previous post on this which is still valid. I used a RapidSSL from Geotrust. The latest client has a ‘checked’ check box to disable non trusted certificates by default and could cause a lot of pain for the support guys – so do this first! make sure the time is set as per the article.

Stage 2 – Create an IP pool for the remote users

I favour using a completely separate IP range, not used anywhere else on the internal network. This saves a lot of faff with adding routes later.

ip local pool VPN-POOL

Stage 3 – Sort the NAT out


I ran into a world of pain when i did this first as the ASA started responding to ARP requests from anything on its OUTSIDE subnet. The take-home message is that avoid using ‘any’ in your NAT setup. So we want to define the POOL as an object and use that to get the NAT exemption for data leaving our ‘INSIDE’ network to the ‘OUTSIDE’ network via the VPN tunnel. Also we want traffic coming back from the client, not destined for the INSIDE network to be NATted to the internet.

object network VPN-IP-POOL
nat (OUTSIDE,OUTSIDE) dynamic interface dns

Now the NAT exemption for the INSIDE to OUTSIDE traffic. I assume there is already a LAN object defined.

nat (INSIDE,OUTSIDE) source static LAN LAN destination static VPN-IP-POOL VPN-IP-POOL

Also we’ll need to allow the OUTSIDE traffic to hairpin on the interface.

same-security-traffic permit intra-interface

Stage 4 – Add the webvpn config

Here we need to upload the pkg files which can be downloaded from into the flash of the ASA. they are then referenced in the config.

enable OUTSIDE
anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-win-4.2.05015-k9.pkg 1
anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-macosx-i386-4.2.05015-k9.pkg 2
anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-linux-64-4.2.05015-k9.pkg 3
anyconnect enable
tunnel-group-list enable

Note the pkg references have an index number to permit multiple files to be uploaded.

Stage 5 – Group Policy

We’ll create a Group Policy to set the parameters for the users. Its best to create a new policy rather than edit the default. This is our ‘tunnel-all’ policy which will be referenced by the tunnel group as the default policy.

group-policy CUSTOMER-POLICY internal
group-policy CUSTOMER-POLICY attributes
dns-server value
vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client
split-tunnel-policy tunnelall

Stage 6 – The Tunnel Group

Here a tunnel group is created which pulls it all together

tunnel-group CUSTOMER type remote-access
tunnel-group CUSTOMER general-attributes
address-pool VPN-POOL
default-group-policy CUSTOMER-POLICY
tunnel-group CUSTOMER webvpn-attributes
group-alias CUSTOMER-LOGIN enable

The group aliases appear in the dropdown when the user logs in.

Cisco Asa Webvpn Anyconnect Enable

Stage 7 – The Users

The users are all using the default group policy of ‘CUSTOMER-POLICY’ unless we specify differently.

username user_name password pass_word
username user_name attributes
group-lock value CUSTOMER
service-type remote-access

I’ve also locked the user into the correct group to be secure.

This is enough to get up and running – there is loads more to do with customisation, additional security and the like, but for now the customer needs to get online.

From William Paterson University - Information Technology's Wiki


William Paterson University provides a VPN option for remote access into its computing and network environment. VPN access is available for faculty and staff only and must first be authorized by a Help Desk request.

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. A VPN allows you to use the ISP (Internet Service Provider) of your choice and connect to WPUNJ using services normally restricted to campus usage, such as the K: and U: drives. It does this by providing a 'Virtual' network connection to WPUNJ. That is, even though you are connected to your ISP, it appears that you are actually connecting from WPUNJ. Providing that you have a fast enough connection to the University's network through an Internet service provider you can access any data and applications the same way you do from your office at the University.

When should you use a VPN Connection?

The VPN connection should be used when you need to connect to a protected/firewalled WPUNJ network services. These include but are not limited to:

  • Logging into the administrative systems
  • Connecting remotely to some of the University's Library resources (WebVPN)
  • Accessing University File Services

When connecting to unrestricted services, such as browsing the Web, you should use only your ISP connection and not the VPN connection. VPN is only required for access to protected services at WPUNJ.

VPN Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor Authentication is required for William Paterson University VPN Access. If you have not signed up for Two-Factor Authentication, please request access using the ticket type Account -> VPN Access.

For information on using Multi Factor Authentication, including use of the Duo App, please see our Multifactor Authentication article.

The secondary password field information can be found below, or on the Multifactor Authentication article, and include push, sms and phone.

Using VPN with Multifactor Authentication

  1. After you have set up your account, you will continue to use the Cisco AnyConnect client as you have in the past.
  2. When you provide your login credentials you will now be provided with a secondary authentication box. You can then either use an app on your android (or iphone) to generate a key OR type 'push' in the secondary authentication box. Using 'push' will send a notification to the app on your phone. (Using 'sms' will initiate a text with an authentication key that will expire after one hour, or 'phone' if you have signed up for a phone call.)
  3. On University imaged Macs you can initiate a Cisco MultiFactor VPN connection via the wpuVPN menu item:
wpuVPN Menu

Select 'Connect via Cisco AnyConnect' and the Cisco AnyConnect client will launch.

Second Password Field

The second password field appears in the Cisco Anyconnect tool.

The following is utilized when using the Cisco Any Connect Client for VPN. The second password field is where you define the method of multifactor authentication you will be utilizing.

Authentication MethodSecond Password
Duo App Push Verificationpush(See image 1. below)
Duo App to Generate Authentication CodeEnter Code displayed in App(See image 2. below)
Text Messagesms(You will receive a text message with a key that will expire after one hour)
Phone Callphone(If you have registered multiple phone numbers, enter phone1, phone2, as needed)

1. Authorizing access through the Duo App2. Generating a Key in the Duo App

VPN Services

The VPN server authenticates using WPU usernames and passwords ONLY. Faculty and staff users must have a valid WPUNJ account to use the VPN services. VPN Services are available as a web or client application.

Microsoft VPN (MS VPN) for University Imaged Machines

Please note: when using the Microsoft VPN, ALL internet traffic from your connected laptop/device will be securely routed through the university network. This includes any network traffic intended for non-WPUNJ services and, as result, this may result is slower response from outside resources.

University Windows 10 Laptops

This video demonstrates how to login to the MS VPN once the connection appears on your laptop. Once connected, you will be able to access to your network drives as though you were on campus.

The K: drive will be available upon connection, though you may need to ‘map’ your U: drive manually (instructions on how to do so here.)

University Mac Laptops

MS VPN is now located in your menu bar. The install the MS VPN can be found in the Managed Software Center**this may require that you first use the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client to install the MS VPN from off campus and run a Managed Software Center check for updates

After selecting 'Connect via MSVPN' you will be prompted for your WPUNJ password, once entered you will be sent an authentication to your primary Multifactor Authentication device.

Once you are finished using VPN please Disconnect from the same menu you utilized to connect.


The steps to sign-on to WebVPN and use are as follows:

  1. Simply navigate to Web VPN and sign in with your university credentials.
  2. Click Login. Authenticate using your chosen two-factor authentication method.
  3. Once your university credentials are verified, you will be taken to the new user interface for the VPN. The Home Tab will be the default view for your VPN session. From this home Tab, you will be able to view your U-Drive, K-Drive, as well as have direct links to both the university's home page and the Library's home page. Don't be alarmed if you don't see the words 'U-drive' or 'K-drive'. They are simple named differently. Also, if you edit a file you will have to save it on your local drive and upload the way you would upload an e-mail attachment, drag and drop or direct saving to the network drive is not available.
    • My Folder represents your User folder, or your U-Drive.
    • WPU Folders represents the K-Drive.
  4. Don't forget to LOG OFF after you have completed your VPN session.

Cisco AnyConnect Client VPN Application

Please note: when using the Cisco AnyConnect VPN from your connected laptop/device, only the network traffic for communicating with WPUNJ campus resources will be securely routed through the university network. Non-WPUNJ services will communicate directly to those services as if VPN was not connected. Note: one known exception is that home networks with IP addresses starting with 172.x, 10.x, or 192.x may encounter issues with connecting to local network resources when connected to the Cisco AnyConnect VPN.

Download the required software through WP Connect from the 'Employee' tab, and under the 'Information Technology' window frame. The VPN does not replace your ISP connectivity, it is intended only so your can access secure resources.

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client Installation

Full time employees will be able to download the Windows VPN client from the WPCONNECT portal. From the 'Employee' tab, and under the 'Information Technology' window frame you will see a link named 'Web VPN'. Click on it.

Part Time employees should visit

  • Once the above link is selected a new web page will open up asking for your WPU user account and password.

    Log in using University credentials

  • Click on the 'AnyConnect' link on the left hand column of the WEBVPN
  • Install the AnyConnect VPN Client
  • Once you enter this information the portal web page will automatically start the AnyConnect client installation. During the installation you may see a security alert popup bar (?) asking to run an add-on. At this point you can either click on the 'skip' link as shown below or let the time counter time-out by itself and continue with the installation.

  • At completion of the installation you will see a 'Connection established' on your brrowser window as shown below. Now your VPN client is fully installed and running. Just close your browser.

  • To disconnect the VPN client simply right click on the VPN icon on the right side of your task bar (it looks like a lock) and click on the 'Disconnect' button.
  • To reconnect click on the start windows button at the left bottom of your task bar and select 'All Programs'. There you will find a 'Cisco' folder with the Anyconnect VPN program icon. Click on the icon to launch the AnyConnect VPN client.
    Using the Windows Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client
  • Once launched you will be asked to enter your WPU user account and password. Please do so. If the 'Connect to:' field is empty please enter That is the address of the VPN server. Now click on the 'Connect' button to run the AnyConnect VPN client.

    Note: The Cisco VPN Client will be minimized to the task bar, the icon looks like a lock. To disconnect, right click on the icon for the VPN client and select disconnect.

    For Second Password directions please see the Two Factor section of this article. For technical support contact Help Desk Request

Mac OS X (10.7 or later)

If you are using a university supplied MacBook or MacBook Pro you should skip to step 6.


1) Log into WPConnect. Go to the Employee Tab and then select the 'Information technology' link. Click on the 'WebVPN' link.

Cisco Anyconnect Webvpn-svc Drop

2) Once logged in click on the 'any connect' button on the left of the page

3) Click on 'start AnyConnect'

4) Wait for the installation to fail. When it does click on the 'Mac OS X 10.8 +(intel)' link

5) it will download a file to your designated download location. This is usually your downloads folder but you may have changed it to somewhere else. Locate the file 'vpnsetup.dmg' and double click on it. It will mount a disk image on your desktop.

6) Before you can run the installer package, you should temporarily disable Gatekeeper (This only applies to non university laptops). Refer to these instructions. Once complete, run the installer in the disk image. It will create a folder in your Applications folder named 'Cisco'.

7) In that folder you will see an application named 'Cisco Any Connect VPN Client'. Double click on it.

8) when the program launches you will see a connect window. In the space next to 'Connect to' type '' and click 'connect'

9) If the software can reach the university authentication server you will be asked for your university login credentials. Enter them and click the 'connect' button.

You are now connected to the university network.Disclaimer:

William Paterson University is not responsible for any software/hardware failures due to the installation of the VPN software provided by Cisco.

Mobile Devices (iPad, iPhone, Android)

Mobile devices have the ability to connect to the on campus network via VPN. Some helpful tips:

  • VPN connections are only possible from off campus
  • Your device must be connected to the Internet via wi-fi or cellular data.
  • The below screen captures were created on an iPhone. The client can also be used on Android devices.
  1. Search for 'cisco anyconnect' on the Apple App Store or Google PlayStore and download the app.

  1. When first launching the application, Cisco Anyconnect will display this prompt. Tap OK.

  2. Select 'Connections'

  3. Enter WPUNJ as the description and as the server address. Tap Save.

  4. Tap the on/off switch to On to connect.

  5. You will be prompted to enter your WPUNJ username and password.

  6. To confirm that you are connected, the VPN icon will be visible on the top of the screen.

  7. The Cisco Anyconnect VPN app will run in the background on your iOS device until the VPN connection is terminated. To terminate the connection, return to the app and toggle the on/off switch to Off.

Accessing files on your network shares (K and U drives)

It is important to understand that accessing our network storage through the webvpn is a bit different than using your office PC or laptop. There is no 'drag and drop.' To access and/or edit a file, it must first be downloaded locally. If your file is edited or changed, you must UPLOAD it back to the folder it resided in. If you fail to do so, all changes you made will only exist on the computer you made the changes on.

From the home tab, you must select the set of folders you wish to access. As mentioned above, folders do not show up as 'K' or 'U.' Instead you see 'My Folder,' 'Groups Folder' and 'WPU Folders.' See the circled area below:

  • My Folder - This is your 'U Drive' which is commonly mapped on your University computer to 'Documents' in Windows 7 or 'My Documents' in Windows XP.
  • Groups - This is a direct link to K:Groups. All of your departmental folders should be in here.
  • WPU-Folders - This is the root of the 'K Drive.' If you store and access all of your files from the Groups folder or your User folder, you will not need to use this option.

    Navigating Shared and User Folders

    Once you have chosen which set of folders you want to use, click on the link to display the list. In the example below, I have clicked on 'Groups.'

  • By default, the list is sorted in alphabetical order. Just like on the K drive, you can change the sorting to sort by Name, Size, Type or Date Modified by clicking on that heading. You should still have the menu on the left (Home, Web Applications, Browse Networks and AnyConnect) as well as a sequence of icons above the folder list:Hovering over the icons should tell you what each one does. For navigating, the important ones are:
  • Level Up - This is like the back button on your web browser. This will go 'up' one level in your list of folders.
  • Previous & Next - The page will only display the number of files or folders that fit on that particular page. Use these buttons to find the page containing the resource you need.

    Opening, Downloading & Editing Files

    Once you've found the file you want to use, it's almost as simple as clicking on the file. In most browsers, this will prompt you to open or save the document. If you only need to read the file, it is OK to go ahead and click 'open.' This will save the document in your temporary internet files and allow you to read the document. BE CAREFUL If you decide to edit this document, clicking 'save' might just save it in your temporary internet files only to be lost at some point. It's important that, if you are going to edit the file, you save it to your local computer and then open it from there.

    Uploading Changed, Edited or New File

    This step would apply to:

  • Any document you downloaded and edited
  • New documents you would like to add to a network folderOnce you have edited your file (or have a new one), you must upload it to the server. If you do not, it will only reside on your local machine. If you have been editing a document for a decent amount of time, the WebVPN may have timed out. If this is the case, log back in and browse to the folder you wish to upload your document to. Once in that folder, click on the icon to upload files: You should now be presented with a box to upload your file:
    Click on 'browse' and browse (on your local computer) to the location you saved your new or edited file. Once selected, click OK.If this file already exists on the server, it will warn you and as you if you wish to overwrite. If you are sure you want to upload the file, click OK:
    You should now be able to browse to, download, edit and upload files through use of the WebVPN.The VPN software available on this page is for use in the United States and Canada ONLY. It is NOT to be placed on a computer system that will be subject to International Travel. Exporting this software is a Federal Crime.
  • Thin-Client SSL VPN (WebVPN) IOS Configuration Example With SDM

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