Phpstorm Datagrip

Check out popular companies that use DataGrip and some tools that integrate with DataGrip. PhpStorm is a PHP IDE which keeps up with latest PHP & web languages trends, integrates a variety of modern tools, and brings even more extensibility with support for major PHP frameworks.

What is better PhpStorm or DataGrip? If you wish to have a convenient way to decide which IDE Software product is better, our unique method gives PhpStorm a score of 8.9 and DataGrip a score of 8.9 for total quality and performance. Moreover, PhpStorm is rated at 99%, while DataGrip is rated 96% for their user satisfaction level. Datagrip is fully integrated into your IDE (PhpStorm, PyCharme, IntelliJ, etc). You don't need to leave it to run any SQL queries. Within the SQL console you have access to the 'live templates' which let you insert huge code snippets impossible to remember via typing a few letters of the live template name. Remove/Backup – settings & cli for macOS (OS X) – DataGrip, AppCode, CLion, Gogland, IntelliJ, PhpStorm, PyCharm, Rider, RubyMine, WebStorm - Buy DataGrip: Get JetBrains Toolbox subscription for an Organization, for Individual Use or view Special Offers.

We’ve released our last EAP build before the official release of DataGrip 2021.1. Let’s see what’s new.

Context live templates

This is our solution for anyone wanting to generate simple statements straight from the database explorer. While general live templates cover many cases where you need to write a simple query quickly, we also understand that sometimes, when you are in the context of the database explorer and you are already focusing on the object you need, there is a better way to get a simple query using that object.

And of course, many other tools use this mechanism for reducing repetitive work, so many newcomers are already used to it.

We’ll start with a short video that shows how it works:

Every code snippet in this list is actually a live template, but they are all special ones that can be generated in the context of the chosen object. For example, let’s look at the template Select first N rows from a table.

Open the live templates setting and locate the template you need:

As you can see, it looks like a general template (and can be used as such). Since this particular syntax cannot be used in all databases, the corresponding dialects are set for the template. The major difference that makes this template applicable in the database explorer is the special expression dbObjectName which is used for the $table$ variable:

Obviously, you can add your own templates or edit existing ones, which makes this feature customizable.

Adding grants to user

The Modify user window, which is called by Cmd/Ctrl+F6, now has a UI for adding grants to objects:

This is available for PostgreSQL, Redshift, Greenplum, MySQL, MariaDB, DB2, SQL Server, and Sybase.

Data source templates for unsupported databases

From 2021.1 it’s easier to add the data source for databases we don’t support. We now provide JDBC drivers for AWS Athena, Informix, MemSQL, Presto, SAP HANA, and Google Cloud Spanner. Look for these databases in the Other section of the database list.

We’ve made some additional improvements:

Phpstorm Datagrip
  • You no longer need to download the driver yourself and manually create a data source based on it.
  • New versions of the driver will be provided by DataGrip.
  • Some new databases have their own dedicated icons.

Please note that support for these databases is limited. It is mainly dependent on the abilities of the JDBC driver and the SQL:2016 dialect support of DataGrip’s SQL editor.

Change field type in MongoDB

To make editing more flexible, we’ve introduced the ability to change the type of a field using the UI. This can be done both in the context menu of the field and in the value editor:

You are welcome to give us feedback using our Twitter or forum. We also have a simple way for you to quickly report issues straight from DataGrip, click Help -> Report problem… to create a new issue in our issue tracker.

Thank you,

Your DataGrip team


You may already know that other JetBrains IDEs, like PhpStorm and IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, have built-in support for database tools and SQL. This support is provided through our database plugin, which comes bundled with those IDEs.

Although we don’t bundle the database plugin with WebStorm, there has long been a way to get database and SQL support inside it by acquiring a DataGrip or All Products Pack subscription. This would allow you to install the database plugin and use it inside WebStorm.

This option wasn’t optimal as it would require you to pay for the more expensive DataGrip or All Products Pack subscriptions. You’ve been asking us to find a better way to do that, and we’re finally able to say that we’ve done it! Starting with v2020.2, you can get a subscription for our database plugin and use it inside WebStorm for a sensible price.

How to try the plugin out

Datagrip Vs Phpstorm

To install the plugin, go to Preferences/Settings | Plugins, then go to the Marketplace tab and search for Database tools and SQL. Click on the Install button next to the Database tools and SQL plugin in the search results and restart your IDE.

Next, you’ll be prompted to activate a license. If you already have one, you can activate it right there. Alternatively, click on Evaluate for free to start a free 30-day trial.

On the right-hand side of the License Activation dialog, you can also see the Buy license link. Click on this link if you want to purchase a subscription.

Phpstorm Include Datagrip

What you get with the database plugin

With the database plugin installed, you get access to all the features available in DataGrip, our standalone IDE for databases.

Some of the key DataGrip features include:

  • Support for MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and other databases.
  • A powerful data editor that lets you modify data rows and navigate through data quickly.
  • Coding assistance for queries similar to the one you get for your projects in WebStorm.
  • A wide range of import and export options for your data.

Phpstorm Vs Datagrip

If you want to learn more about the available features, take a look at this webpage. You can also check out the DataGrip blog to learn about the latest improvements and news.

Pricing details

If you want to learn more about pricing, visit this webpage. Bear in mind that prices for corporate customers and individual users differ. If you already have a DataGrip or All Products Pack license, you can use it to activate the plugin without having to purchase any additional subscription.

As with other JetBrains products, there’s a continuity discount that applies starting with the second year of use. Unfortunately, it’s not aligned with WebStorm discounts.

Phpstorm include datagrip

That’s about it for now. Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback!

The WebStorm team